DHM® R1100 series



Lyncee Tec全息四维轮廓仪

  • 最快1000/的亚奈米三维/四维形貌即时量测
  • 真空、液体、气份、温/湿度等可控环境下测试
  • 高达25MHz的可测MEMS器件全视场周期振动
  • 形貌测量、材料表征、三维光学检测、产品品质监控、活体生物细胞非侵入测量等多个应用领域


微热板加热形变 即时四维形貌量测
水滴挥发全过程 可加热降解材料挥发


24.7MHz表面声波 惯性感测器
微执行器 MEMS悬臂梁
MEMS微翻转镜 超声感测器

Lyncée Tec’s DHM R1100 series of reflection configured high precision ptical profilers offers the ultimate technology based on Digital Holographic icroscopy. It keeps the features, the versatility and ease-of-use of the HM R1000 series. In addition to the single wavelength mode that gives hese instruments the same real-time performances, the DHM R1101 and R1102 ave two additional operating modes:

•the alternate dual wavelength mode for fast measurements of steps up to 10 μm and smooth samples up to the objective’s depth of field
•the vertical coherence scanning mode for vertical dimensions up to 10 mm

DHM R1100 series is compatible with the optional Lyncée Tec stroboscopic module fo intuitive investigation of MEMS / MOEMS.
The signal generator is integrated into the module, allowing the powerful Koala oftware to drive your sample and synchronize the acquisition in order to retrieve its full-field topography along the complete cycle, in a similar way to the real-time mode.

The off-axis holographic principle ensures the vertical calibration is only etermined by the wavelength. No mechanical movement needs to be calibrated. HM’s single and dual wavelength modes are thus the optical profiler modes ith the least systematic error sources on the market. DHM thus not only ensures igh accuracy, but also ultimate precision.

•the DHM R1101 may be fitted with manual or motorized stages up to 150 mm × 150 mm travel range for sample with dimension up to 415 mm
•the DHM R1102 may be fitted with larger motorized stages up to 300 mm × 300 mm travel range for samples with dimensions up to 530 mm × 870 mm

The R1101 can be upgraded to the R1102.


