
CELLINK的新型复杂结构生物打印平台BIO X6上市 返回

CELLINK宣布了其专业生物打印技术产品线中的最新产品,即新设计的BIO X6,它可以利用多达六个不同的智能打印头来制造具有任何细胞类型的构建体,从而能够生产体内发现的任何组织。 据该公司称,“对复杂的结构进行生物打印从未如此简单”,声称通过这项新开发,可以比以前结合更多的材料,单元和工具⁠,并更快地获得结果⁠。

该产品将六个打印头与CELLINK的专利洁净室技术相结合,在腔室内产生正气压的双大功率风扇,以及智能可更换打印头技术。 使用户可以自由地将多种材料组合在一次列印中,并具有创建更复杂的体系结构的能力。


CELLINK’s New Bioprinting Platform for Complex Structures, the BIO X6

CELLINK announced the latest product in their line of specialized bioprinting technology, the newly designed BIO X6, which can leverage up to six different intelligent printheads to fabricate constructs with any cell type, enabling the production of any tissue found in the body. According to the company, “it’s never been easier to bioprint complex constructs”, claiming that with this new development it is possible to combine more materials, cells, and tools ⁠— and get results sooner ⁠— than before.

The product combines six printheads with CELLINK’s patented Clean Chamber Technology, dual high-power fans that produce positive air pressure inside the chamber, and intelligent exchangeable printhead technology. Giving the user freedom to combine multiple materials in one print, and the capability to create more complex architectures.